Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

39. Защита окружающей среды (Бебина О.И.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

     Бебина Ольга Ивановна
    Учитель английского языка
    МОАУ «Гимназия №3 г. Орска
     Оренбургской области»
    Название предмета Английский язык
    Класс 10 
    УМК «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012
    Уровень обучения базовый 
    Тема урока Защита окружающей среды
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы 12
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме 1
    Цель урока: формирование лексических навыков по теме «Охрана окружающей среды»; активизация на­выков устной речи.
    Задачи урока: 
    закрепить лексику по теме «Oхрана окружающей среды» (отработка лексических единиц при чтении текста; умение воспринимать изученную лексику на слух; употребление ранее изученных единиц в монологической и диалогической речи);
    развивать умение применения полученных умений и навыков в новых условиях;
    воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению других людей; прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе.
    Планируемые результаты: ученики усвоили лексику по теме «Охрана окружающей среды», умеют читать про себя и находить необходимую информацию, умеют участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации;
    Техническое обеспечение урока: компьютер, телевизор, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zyizEz9XUs; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DJ45Yc3urg
    Методическое обеспечение: дидактические карточки
    Содержание урока
    I. Организационное начало урока
    Good morning, people! I see that you are ready for the lesson, so you may sit down.
    II. Сообщение темы, цели урока
    As you know today our first lesson of this topic. Listen to the song “Mad World” by Gary Jules and guess what topic we are going to discuss today. A song (Ученики формулируют тему урока) Слайд 1
    Yes, you are absolutely right. 
    III. Речевая разминка
    Let’s read the famous words about nature. Слайд 2
    Do you agree with the author? (Ученики отвечают) 
    Why do you think we should speak about it? Is it really important nowadays? 
    OK, to begin with, let’s play a game which is connected with the topic of our lesson “Environment”. So, I name a word and one of you says the word which starts with the last letter of my word and so on. But you should use only words correlated with the topic. Do you have any questions? Let’s do it in chain. 
    Let's start now. So my word is "environment" and it is also the topic of the game.
    IV. Работа по теме урока
    Thank you, it was rather fun. And you know really a lot of words on the theme “Environment and its Protection”.
    1. Работа с лексикой.
    To continue our lesson, I’d like you to look at the blackboard. Here is a sign. (Приложение) What does this sign stand for in your opinion? …Thank you!
    Think of as many words as possible related to the theme “Recycling”.
    Now use the ideas of 3Rs to make sentences.   Card 1                      
     How can each of us recycle objects? Is recycling so popular in Russia as in the USA? Is it possible to adopt the process of recycling in our country? Why?
    What should we do to protect the environment?
    Let’s watch the video for some more ideas. We are going green
    Open your Workbook at Page 28. Let’s make up word combinations and find out what else people can do to protect the environment. Exercise 1. (Учащиеся выполняют упражнение)
    2. Чтение
     Now let’s read the text « Use Less Stuff». Page 65 in your Student’s books.
    Look at the title and headings in the text on p.65 What do you think the writer’s purpose was ion writing the text? What do you expect to learn from it?
    Let’s read and check.
     Focus your attention on new language.
    Is everything clear? Then Choose the correct word (A, B, C, or D) to fill in the gaps (1-8) Ex 2a p64
    Now compare with a partner. Listen and check. 
    Let’s continue. 
    Match the highlighted phrasal verbs in the text with their meanings: put in the bin, wear, think of, lower, stop smth working, reduce and make sentences using them.
    V Динамическая пауза
    Let’s do some exercises for our eyes. 
    1. Blink quickly! Close your eyes! Sit still, count slowly from1 to 5. (4-5- times)
    2. Close your eyes, counting from 1 to 3! Open your eyes and look into the distance, counting from 1 to 5. (4-5 times)
    3. Stretch your arm forward! Follow the movements of your forefinger to the left and to the right, up and down without turning your head! (4-5 times)
    4. Look at your forefinger, stretched forward counting from 1 to 4, then look into the distance, counting from 1 to 6. (4-5 times)
    3. Лексические упражнения
    I see you have absolutely understood the text. Let’s go ex.3 p. 64 . Complete the sentences with words in bold from the text.
    Let’s move to another part of our lesson and use the vocabulary of the topic in the following exercises. (Card 2, 3)
    In the first exercise you have four lines of words. In each line there is an unnecessary word, which you are supposed to find out. Is the task clear? Let’s start working.
    In the second exercise you should match the beginning of the sentence with its ending
    OK, very good! 
    4. Монологическая и диалогическая речь
    Teacher: «We create the world in which we live; If that world becomes unfit for human life, it is because we tire of our responsibility» - Cyril Connolly, English critic
    What ‘s your opinion?
    Read again and make notes under the headings: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE. Which of these things do you do in your daily life? (Example: I always switch off the lights when I leave a room so as to reduce energy consumption.)
    Now work in pairs and make up dialogues. Follow Task 5 on page 61. 
    Great job!
    VI. Итог урока
    How did you feel about the lesson in general?
    What was the best part of the lesson? Why?
    What was the least successful part? Why?
    Did you have any particular difficulties?
    Give some brief ideas of follow-up work you would do for this lesson.
    Any other comments you would like to add.
    VII. Домашнее задание
    Your home task will be to learn the vocabulary on the topic and do exercise 2 page 28in the Workbook.
    Дифференцированное задание. Design a simple quiz to find out how good someone is reducing, recycling and reusing things. Use ideas from the text as well as your own ideas. Give your quiz to the partner to complete Report your findings to the class. 
    VIII. Организационный конец урока
    Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye.

    Автор(ы): Бебина О. И.

    Скачать: Английский язык 10кл - Конспект.docx

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