Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

73. Зубы и уход за ними (Сковородникова Н.С.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

     Сковородникова Надежда Сергеевна,
    учитель английского языка
     МОАУ «СОШ №29 г.Орска»
    Название предмета: английский язык
    Класс: 10
    УМК: «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012
    Уровень обучения: базовый
    Тема урока: «Зубы и уход за ними»
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 13часов
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме: десятый
    Цели урока:
    социокультурный аспект — знакомство с цитатами про улыбку;
    развивающий аспект — развитие способности к догадке (по словообразовательным элементам, по аналогии с родным языком), способности к антиципации, сравнению, логическому изложению, развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, внимания;
    воспитательный аспект — воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику, его взглядам, развитие работать в команде; воспитание позитивного отношения к гигиене полости рта; прививать любовь и желание изучать иностранный язык через разные формы работы.
    учебный аспект — формирование лексических навыков говорения;
    сопутствующая задача: развитие умения аудировать с пониманием основного содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации, совершенствование произносительных навыков, грамматических навыков чтения и говорения;
    -систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Зубы и уход за ними”; 
    -совершенствовать речевые умения, навыки монологической и диалогической речи, умения высказываться логично, связно, и продуктивно;
    -активизировать работу каждого учащегося. 
    Планируемые результаты: 
    Ученик будет знать:
    -строение зуба, уход за ними,
    -отличать здоровую еду от нездоровой для зубов,
    -как правильно выбрать зубную щетку, как часто нужно обращаться к дантисту.
    Ученик будет уметь:
    - использовать лексику для коммуникации,
     Техническое обеспечение урока: проектор, презентация.
    Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока (плакаты, диалоги)
    Содержание урока
    Ход урока
    I. Организационный момент
    Учитель: Good morning children. How are you today?
    Учащиеся: Fine, thanks.
    II. Речевая зарядка:
    Учитель: Why do we need our teeth?
    Ученик: We need our teeth for eating! 
    Ученик: We need our teeth for speaking. 
    Ученик: We need our teeth for looking good. 
    Ученик:We need our teeth for being healthy.
    Ученик: We need our teeth for having good breath.
    Учитель: Yes, we need teeth for all these things. (Слайд №2-6) Do you want to be healthy teeth?
    Учащиеся:Yes, we are.
    Учитель: Does health of your teeth depend on the way you look for them?
    Учащиеся:Yes, it does. 
    III. Целеполагание.
    Учитель: Right you are. Today we are going to speak about teeth and how to look after them. The topic of the lesson is “Teeth and how to look after your teeth”. (Слайд №1) We are going to speak about teeth categories. You will learn how many  layers teeth have, what food is good or bad for your teeth, how to clean your teeth correctly.
                  IV. Фонетическая зарядка:
    Let’s prepare our tongues for speaking. Repeat after me. [d], [o], [t]. (Слайд №7)
    Let’ prepare our tongues for speaking. Repeat after me. [d], [o].
    When a doctor doctors a doctor, 
    does the doctor doing the doctoring 
    doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or 
    does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?
    Work in pares and read the tongue twister as quickly as possible.
    It’s your turn to read it as quickly as you can.
    Все учащиеся читают  шепотом, а потом 2 ученика читают вслух
    V. Проверка домашнего задания
    (учащиеся сдают тетради)
    VI. Развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
    Учитель: Today I have a surprise for you. I have invited a guest. He is a dentist. He can answer all your questions. All of you have questions on your desks. Please, who wants to start?
    Ученик-дантист: Let me introduce myself. My name is…. I am a dentist. I’ve come to answer your questions. 
    Ученик: What are teeth categories?
     Ученик-дантист: Teeth categories are primary- baby teeth that grow first and permanent- lifetime teeth. (Слайд №8) (дантист дает описание молочным зубам и постоянным) (Слайд №9-10)
    Учитель: Please, read the second question.
     Ученик: Why do teeth have different shapes?
    Ученик-дантист: Different teeth do different jobs. Incisors are for cutting. Canines are for tearing. Molars and pre-molars grind up food until it's small enough to swallow. Each type of tooth has a special shape so that it can do its job. (Слайд №11)
    Учитель: Please, read the third question.
     Ученик: What does a tooth look like?
    Ученик-дантист: The crown is the part of the tooth above the gums. Just like a king’s hat! The root is the part of the tooth below the gumline. Just as the roots of a tree hold the tree in the ground, the roots of your teeth hold your teeth in your mouth. (Слайд №12)
    Учитель: Please, read the third question. 
    Ученик: How many layers is a tooth made of?
    VII.Организация аудирования с целью извлечения запрашиваемой информации.
    Ученик-дантист: To answer your question you should look at the diagram of a tooth in the text A. What are the words used to label the diagram in your language? 
    (Аудирование.упр.2 b.  Учащиеся слушают текст и заполняют пропуски)
    Ученик-дантист: Let’s check your answers.
    (На слайде № 13 даны ответы. Осуществляется самопроверка и выставление оценок)
    Ученик-дантист: 1 crown, 2 root, 3 gum, 4 jaw bone, 5 enamel, 6 dentil, 7 pulp, 8 cementum. 
    their score
    All words (8) were written correctly
    1-2 words were written incorrectly
    3-4 words were written incorrectly 
    5 words and <
    their mark
    Ученик-дантист: When should you clean your teeth?
    Ученик: I clean your teeth twice a day.
    Ученик-дантист: So look at the screen say when we should also clean your teeth.
     Ученик: After eating. (Слайд № 14)
    Ученик-дантист: Do you know how to clean your teeth correctly? Read the instruction.
    (ученики по очереди читают инструкцию) (Слайд № 15)
    Ученик-дантист: Have you cleaned your teeth correctly before?
    Ученик: No, we haven’t.
    Ученик-дантист: Who has teeth braces?
    Ученик: Me. 
    Ученик-дантист: Can you give us basic braces care tips?
    Ученик: Yes, I can. (Слайд № 15) Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly.Rinse well with water after eating.​Always brush after eating.​Use a dental pick to get the large stuf.​Brush all your teeth every    time.Rinse well again. Don’t play with your braces!
    Ученик-дантист: I’m sure you know that to do exercises is very useful. Do you do exercises for teeth?
    Ученик: Of course not.
    Ученик-дантист: OK. I’ll show you how to do exercises for teeth? Repeat after me. The following exercises will help strengthen your jaw muscles and train them to move correctly without causing pain. It’s recommended that you do them for 5 minutes twice a day, preferably while you’re sitting down and relaxed.
    Динамическая пауза
     (учащиеся выполняют комплекс упражнений для зубов) (Слайды № 17-№18)
    VII.Организация диалогических и монологических высказываний на основе прочитанных текстов.
    Учитель: Let’s divided into 3 groups. The first group will look through some posters and tell us about good and bad food for teeth and give us advice how to avoid some pieces of advice. The second group will act a dialogue “At the dentist”.  The third group will tell us about how to get a new tooth brush and how often should we visit the dentist. You have some minutes to be ready.
     (учащиеся делают задания по группам)
    Учащиеся 1 группы: 
    Ученик 1: We have looked through some posters and now we are going to tell us about good and bad food for teeth. (Слайды № 21-№23) First, good food is apples, pears,chese, chicken, nuts,celery,yogurt, sesame oil, mushrooms, onions, tea, kiwi, strawberries and mushrooms.
     (and give us advice how to avoid some pieces of advice.
    Ученик 2: Second, bad food is candy, mints, cakes,  cookies, pies, dried fruit, pretzels, soft drinks, wine. (Слайды № 21, №22)
    Ученик 3: I’m going to tell you a true story how a good teeth goes bad. (Слайд № 24):
    Ученик 4: Raise your hands if you are a sweet tooth. OK. I see some of you are sweet teeth. Can you cut out all sugar from your diet?  
    Учащиеся: No, we can’t. 
    Ученик 4: If you are a sweet tooth you can’t cut out all sugar from your diet but you can cut down on it! If you eat them at meal times, brush your teeth afterward, if you cannot brush, swish with water and swallow! This helps to remove food particles from your teeth. (Слайд № 25):
    Учитель: The work of the first group is well done.
    (Учащиеся 2 группы разыгрывают диалог. Задание дифференцированное. Сильные учащиеся слушают диалог без опоры, в качестве аудирования; учащиеся со средними способностями слушают диалог и у них есть опора в качестве напечатанного диалога; а для слабых напечатанный диалог с переводом
    Учащиеся 2 группы:
    Patient:  Hello, I wonder: would you be able to fit me in for an appointment?
     Receptionist: What seems to be the problem sir?
     Patient:  I have a broken tooth and I will be going away on holidays tomorrow. I just want to make sure it doesn't need a filling.
    Receptionist: I am sure we can fit you in, just bear with me for a moment while I check with the dentist.
    Receptionist: Yes, that is no problem, the dentist will take you. Would you like to follow me?
    Patient:  Certainly!
    Doctor: Hello. Please take a seat on the chair for me, we will have a look at what we need to do for you.
    Patient: Thank you!
    Doctor: Ah I see, we need to fill one of your incisors on the right   hand side. There is a small break.
    Patient: Is it going to hurt?
    Doctor: No, it will not hurt at all. I will just give you an injection to numb the area around the tooth.
    Doctor: There you go, all finished.
     Patient:  Thank you!
     Ученик 4: Now answer my questions. Did the patient have a broken tooth?
    Учащиеся: Yes, he did. 
     Ученик 4: Did the patient need a filling?
    Учащиеся: Yes, he did.
    Ученик 4: Did the dentist give the patient an injection?
    Учащиеся: Yes, he did.
    Ученик 4: Why did the dentist give the patient an injection?
    Учащиеся: He   gave the patient an injection to numb the area around the tooth.
    Учитель: The work of the second group is also well done.
    Учащиеся 3 группы:
    Ученик 1: Let’s start. We are going to tell you about how to get a new tooth brush. How often should we change our brushes?
    Ученик: Once a year.
    Ученик: Twice a year.
    Ученик 1: No you’re not right. You should change our brushes every 3 months. When yours becomes frayed. Should we change our brushes after you have been sick?
    Ученик: Of course, not.
    Ученик 1: And remember the most  important rule “don’t share your tooth brushes with anyone else! (Слайд № 24):
    Ученик 2: I have asked all of you “How often do you visit the dentist?”
    The answers were different.  ….% of teenagers visit dentists once a year. ….% of teenagers visit dentists twice a year. ….% of teenagers visit dentists only when they have problems. ….% of teenagers don’t remember when they visited  dentists for the last time. But remember you visit dentists twice a year. (Слайд № 25)
    Ученик 3: If you have a cavity, the dentist will be able to find it when it is small.
    The dental staff will apply fluoride to your teeth.
    Dental sealants may be placed on your permanent back teeth to help prevent tooth decay. (Слайд № 25)
    Учитель: All groups have worked really hard. Thanks a million to our dentist. 
    VIII. Подведение итогов урока.
    Домашнее задание (дифференцированное)
     Now it’s time to write your homework. Use the information from the book, what you’ve learnt today, your posters and …
    “5” do your own posters “healthy teeth”
    “4” write ten questions and make a quiz about teeth
    I’m satisfied with your work. Your marks are…(выcтавление оценок) 

    Автор(ы): Сковородникова Н. С.

    Скачать: Английский язык 10кл - Конспект.docx

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