Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

9. Многокультурная Британия (Высоцкая О.В.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

    Высоцкая Ольга Викторовна, 
    учитель английского языка,
    МОАУ «СОШ № 43 г. Орска»
    “ Разные культуры Британии”
    Урок по английскому языку в 11-м классе (общеобразовательная школа: О.В.Афанасьева – Spotlight (Английский в фокусе).
    Уровень обучения: базовый
    Модуль 1 “Семейные узы”
    Тема урока: «Разные культуры Британии». (1 час)
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 12.
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме: 9.
    Цели урока: 
    Познавательный аспект – знакомство с новыми ЛЕ по теме «Разные культуры Британии»; - совершенствование приемов работы с текстом с опорой на умения, приобретенные на уроках родного языка (прогнозировать содержание текста по заголовку, иллюстрациям и др.)
    Развивающий аспект – совершенствовать компенсаторные умения (прогнозировать содержание                    текста, пользоваться языковой и контекстуальной догадкой при аудировании и чтении; игнорировать лексические трудности, использовать словарные замены в процессе общения).
    Воспитательный аспект – способствовать формированию у обучающихся 
    культурной непредвзятости, толерантности и социокультурной наблюдательности. 
    Учебный аспект – 1. Расширить объём ЛЕ по теме «Разные культуры Британии» на основе текста. 
     2.Расширить объём оценочной лексики (Brilliant        character                community                          contemporary        cosmopolitan
    Diverse          earn                fluency          foreigner                 friendship                get on well
    Homeland              immigrant                 independence                   jazz            modern         
    Nationality               spicy generation    make up the majority     mixed-race marriages)
    Задачи урока:
    Воспитательные: воспитание толерантности к иноязычной культуре, применять теоретические знания на практике, развивать познавательный интерес к предмету.
    Образовательные: знакомить учащихся с возможностями использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма. 
    Обучающие: развитие навыков монологической речи, закрепить навыки произношения, аудирования, чтения и перевода текста,  формирование языковой компетенции.
    Развивающие: научить умению логически мыслить, развивать монологическую речь, закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, умение работать индивидуально.
    Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий урок.
    Оборудование: компьютер, экран,  тесты для самостоятельной работы, учебники, тетради.
      Планируемые результаты: 
    Ученик будет знать:
    - социокультурные реалии при чтении и аудировании в рамках изученного материала.
    Ученик будет уметь:
    - использовать лексику для коммуникации,
    - читать аутентичные тексты (ознакомительное, изучающее, поисковое чтение) по изучаемой теме.
    Содержание урока:
    Фонетическая зарядка
    Brilliant        character                community                          contemporary        cosmopolitan
    Diverse          earn                fluency          foreigner                 friendship                get on well
    Homeland              immigrant                 independence                   jazz            modern         
    Nationality               spicy generation    make up the majority     mixed-race marriages
    Речевая зарядка
    1.What is the capital of your country? Describe your capital city. What is it like? How big is it? Is it old or modern? Is it very cosmopolitan? Which nationalities live here? 
    2. Read the article “London: the world in one city”
    New York and Toronto may think they are more cosmopolitan. But London in the 21st century is certainly the most diverse city ever. This is one of the reasons why it was chosen to host the 2012 Olympic Games. More than 300 languages are spoken by the people of London, and in has 50 nationalities with populations of more than 10.000.
    Why is this? Firstly, London is a place of business. Londoners  have the fewest bank holidays in Europe  and work the longest hours. People come for jobs and money. But that is not why they stay. Language is the first reason. Fluency in English  is a great gift for their children. Another surprising reason is the character of  the London people, They are not friendly as some other nationalities. But this has advantages – people leave you alone, and you are free to live your own life.
    Finally, the most delicious reason is food. You can have dinner in more than 70 different nationalities of restaurant any night of the week. Londoners’ enthusiasm for foreign food creates thousands of jobs for new communities. 
    All Londoners, old and new, have the same principals. They work hard, love their children, and move out of the city centre as soon as they can afford it.
    3. Answer the question: Are these sentences true or false, according to the article?
    London is more cosmopolitan then Toronto.
    New York is the most diverse city ever.
    Londoners don’t work as hard as people in other cities.
    Immigrants want their children to learn English.
    Londoners are the friendliest people in the world.
    Most Londoners want to leave the city eventually.
    4. Read the second part of the article.
    a. Posh Daddy from Nigeria
    Posh Daddy is the manager of the Big Choice Barber’s on Peckham High Street. It is  a West Indian and African hairdresser’s. These two black communities haven’t always got on well together. ‘When I first came here , we just wanted to be accepted by the West  Indian community, but they weren’t very friendly,’ he says. ‘Now it is getting  better. These days most of my West Indian brothers in the barber’s like eating African food like me, pepper soup and kuku paka, which is chicken with coconut – very hot and spicy.’
    b. Staff in the kitchen of the Asadal
    ‘This restaurant  was a little bit of Korea brought into a very English town,’ says Young-il Park, the manager of the Asadal restaurant in New Malden. The Asadal is famous for its kimchi – salty, spicy chilly peppers and vegetables. Young-il’s father opened the Asadal in 1991 – the first Korean restaurant in the town. Young-il was the only Korean in his school. 
    ‘The thing I noticed most was that people stared,’ he says. ‘Now you can see a lot of Koreans here.’
    c. The staff in the Yasar Halim Bakery
    Yasar Halim, a Turkish grocer’s and baker’s, is known all over London. It was opened in Green Lanes in 1981 by Mr Halim, a Turkish Cypriot. At that time, no one was selling food from his homeland. Now the shop is famous for its baklava, a sweet cake made of nuts and honey. The shop is very busy, and the staff working there – both Turkish and Greek Cypriots – look like they’re having a great time together. In their homeland of Cyprus, there are still problems between the two communities. But in this area of London, they live together as good neighbours.
    d. Portuguese football fans in the FC Porto Fan Club in Srockwell
    ‘Football is a passion for us,’ says Jose Antonio Costa, the President of   Porto Fan Club
    which meets in Stochwell. ‘Many people come for friendship – you know, in a foreign country, you feel more comfortable with your own people.’
    Eric Santos, the owner of Santo’s café near the club, says, ‘People come for my wife’s bacalhau – salted cod, made with potatoes and onions. Delicious!’ There is quite a big  Portuguese-speaking community here, from Portugal, Brazil and Madeira, but they do not  always stick together. ‘Everyone looks for their own interests.’ The Portuguese and the Madeirans, in particular, are very separate groups in London, because Madeira wants independence from Portugal.
    Работа в парах:
    5. Work with a partner. Compare the communities.
     Чтение с детальным пониманием. Самостоятельная работа.
    6. Answer the questions
    - Write the names of..
    The owner/manager
    The shop/ café/ restaurant 
    The area of London where it is
    - What other nationality is mentioned?
    - Are/Were there any problems between nationalities?
    - What food is mentioned?
    - What’s it called?
    - What’s it like?
    7. What do you think? Discuss.
    - Why do so many nationalities choose to live in London?
    - Are there any groups of foreigners living in your own town? Where do they come from? What do they find different? Do they mix with other groups, or keep themselves apart?
    8. Подготовка к ЕГЭ
    Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы. (базовый уровень)
    1. Guar gum also is used in the food industry to ... products like ice cream. (thick)
    2. Old Manchester houses are made of red brick... by soot. (black)
    3. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would ... up the room. (bright)
    4. Do we ever stop to think about the importance of the air we ... ? (breath)
    5. I’d like to ... this dress for one in a larger size. (change)
    6. They ... 100 dollars from a bank account an hour ago. (draw)
    Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова. (продвинутый уровень)
    1. Sometimes one's ... are the only people one can ... in. (parental, confidence)
    2. Many people ... that getting a spouse can put them out of their..., which later... wrong, because sometimes marriage makes life more difficult. (belief, miserable, proof)
    3. An ... Roman ... has been discovered in northwest England, (extend, settle)
    4. The dining-room is elegantly ... and ... carpeted, (furniture, luxury)
    5. Everyone is ... of her having the chance to ... abroad, (envy, student)
    6. When employers look at... candidates, beyond skills, experience, and training, they look for those who demonstrate ... (prospect, enthuse)
    7. In the city the ... and ... were insufferable, (hot, humid)
    8. Our planet’s... regions, located just north and south of the equator, are known for their... and ... (tropic, warm, humid)
    9. Next to Shakespeare, no ... gets more love on Broadway than Tennessee Williams, (play)
    10. During Elizabeth’s reign England significantly ... its trade ... and in 1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to successfully ... the earth, (expansion, sea, circumnavigation)
    Заключительный этап/подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок, объяснение домашнего задания.
    9.  Домашнее задание.
    Ex. 1-4 p.21 (прил. Track Ex.4 p.21)
    10. Подведение итогов урока.

    Автор(ы): Высоцкая О. В.

    Скачать: Английский язык 11кл - Конспект.doc

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