Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

16. Без стресса каждый день. Предлоги (Бычкова П.А.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

     Бычкова Полина Александровна
    Учитель английского языка
    МОАУ «Гимназия №2 г. Орска»
    Предмет:  английский язык
    Класс:  11 класс
    УМК: Английский в фокусе, под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012
    Уровень обучения: базовый
    Тема: Без стресса каждый день. Предлоги. (1 час)
    Место урока: Урок 4, урок развития грамматических навыков.
    Цель урока: Способствовать формированию грамматических навыков употребления структур придаточных цели, результата и причины.  
    Задачи урока:
    1. обеспечить в ходе урока усвоение навыков составления грамматически верных предложений с придаточными цели, результата и причины для составления мер по предотвращению стрессовых ситуаций;
    2. создать условия для развития таких аналитических способностей учащихся, как умение анализировать и делать выводы;
    3. способствовать развитию культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах. Планируемые результаты:
    1) узнают  как составлять список мер по предотвращению стрессовых ситуаций;
    2) сформируют более высокий уровень аналитических способностей (анализ и вывод);
     3) разовьют способности взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах.
    Техническое обеспечение урока:  -
    Дополнительное методическое обеспечение: карточки (приложение 1), карточки (приложение 2).
    Тип урока: урок формирования грамматических навыков.
    Содержание урока.
    I. Организационный момент.
    T: Morning everybody. Pleased to see all of you in a good spirit and mood at our lesson today. It goes without saying you’re ready to master your English grammar together with me just now, aren’t you?
    S1: Of course, we are ready to master our English grammar just now.
    T: You know quite well what we spoke about at our previous lessons. I’d like you to remind some main topics of our discussion.
    S2: I remember we have spoken about peer pressure.
    S3: We got to know how to persist it.
    S4: Besides, we got acquainted with the some British idioms.
    5: Some lessons ago we spoke about our intensions to learn more, taking into consideration grammar, too.
    S6: And we have also discussed stress and stress situation at school.
    T: Absolutely. I am sure that you’re really experts in a lot of things dealing with stress issues, aren’t you?... Well, Stress situation could occur not only at school, but in everyday life,too.
    II. Сообщение цели и задач урока.
    T: So, the basic topic of our lesson today is…(написать на доске)
    S: Every day without stress.
    T: According to our theme and the material which is given at pages 32-33 today we’ll try to master our grammar in making sentences how to avoid stress in everyday life. That’s why we shall…
    (Students in turn)
    - revise the grammar rules;
    - master them in exercises;
    - get some information about how to prevent stress in daily routine;
    - have success in making sentences on the topic Every day without stress or, in other words, make s list of precautions.
    III. Фонетическая зарядка.
    (см. приложение 1)
    T: I know the topic of our previous lesson made you think not only how to resist peer pressure, but also how NOT to commit it. Before we start, let`s make some sort of a conclusion about peer pressure. Now you`re welcome to read the poem  with good intonation and sounds.
    (Students line by line in turn, then 1-2 students the whole poem)
    IV. Речевая зарядка.
    Game (стр. 32)
    T: Let`s read out the rubric and select a pair of you to read out the example. 
    Do you understand the rules through the context? Oh, I didn`t hesitate you could. Welcome to the game in teams.
    (Students in teams of 4)
    V. Основное содержание.
    Отработка грамматики.
    T: Let`s remind the definition of «clause». Try to give it. Consult section GR5-6(в зависимости от уровня подготовленности группы, Вы можете использовать русский язык)
    (Students in turn)
     What types of clauses are represented at pages 32-33. 
    S1: clauses of purpose
    S2: clauses of result
    S3: clauses of reason
    T: We`ll start with clauses of purpose. Read the examples from exercise 3 at page 32.
    (Students in turn)
    T: What words do we use to express purpose?
    S1-S5: so; in case; for; to; with a view to
    T: It`s time for practising clauses of purpose. Pay attention to the words in brackets in exercise 4 page 32-33. You are welcome to join the sentences using the words in brackets. There is an example given at number 1.  Complete the task individually. 
    T: Check answers with the class.
    (Students in turn)
    T: Pay attention to the fact that there are many ways of expressing purpose which have the same meaning. Read out the example sentences. (упр. 4b стр. 33). Choose two-three sentences in ex. 4a and rewrite them in as many ways as possible. Work in pairs to complete the task. Then  read out your sentences to the class.
    (1 student of the pair in turn if the sentence haven`t been read yet)
    T: Now you`re welcome to make precautions for a trip. (упр. 5 стр. 33) Pay attention to the things Paul and his friends have taken on their mountain trip. First elicit reasons why they have taken them using ‘in case’ and then let`s write them on the board.
    S1: a camera - in case they see some nice views.
    S2: water  - in case the get thirsty.
    S3: a tent - in case they need to stay the night.
    S3: a map - in case they get lost. 
    S4: some sandwiches - in case they get hungry.
    S4: jackets  - in case the weather is cold.
    T: Now make sentences.
    (Students in turn)
    Динамическая пауза.
    T: Now the clauses of result.(упр. 6а стр. 33)  Read out the extract. Pay attention to the language in bold.  Explain the usage.
    S1: Such goes with countable/uncountable nouns, adjectives and ‘a lot of’.
    S2: So goes with adverbs, few/little/much/many.
    T: Let`s use them in the task. (карточки, приложение 2)
    (Students in turn)
    T: Return to the ex. 6 part b. Create your short stories. Work in groups of 4. Make up a
    ‘chain story’, taking it in turns to say what went wrong.
    (Groups in turn)
    T: Now it`s time for forming sentences using clauses of reason. Read out the example to the class (ex. 7 p. 33).
    T: You`ve got 10 minutes to form your sentences working in pairs. Then we`ll check your answers.
    (Students in turn)
    Подведение итогов (конечный продукт урока)
    T: Now you know how to make clauses of purpose, clauses of result and clauses of reason.
    Using all of them make up precautions how to avoid stress situations for getting ready for the event (the party, exams or summer holidays). Work in groups of 4. Write your answer in 4-5 sentences. Exchange your sheets of paper with the other 2 groups. (взаимоконтроль). Do you agree with everything? If not, correct. Then give the papers to me.
    T: Tell me what was the most difficult and are you sure in your results.
    (Groups in turn)
    Домашнее задание.
    T: Grammar is not an easy thing that`s why you ought to master it on your own. 
    Choose any 3 exercises you think to be the most useful for you and do in writing form.
    упр. 1-8 стр. 166-167 (любые три на выбор)
    T: I hope you`ll be successful in dealing with all the clauses. The lesson is over. Good luck and goodbye.

    Автор(ы): Бычкова П. А.

    Скачать: Английский язык 11кл - Конспект.docx

Задания к уроку